...He's made her his wife.
I've been working on a post this past week about the incredible adventures I've had serving the Lord this summer- I may want to warm you now, that post is going to be pretty long! However, I wanted to take a break from that today to thank someone who has
truly been a joy to me these past 3 years and especially this last year.
One year ago today, I married the
most wonderful man, Dawson. Dawson is like the coolest person I know...I really mean that. You can see one reason why
here. Plus, he lets me each sour patch kids
in the bed, he adores our puppy Bailey (
she's pretty adorable though), he would cover our walls in pictures if I let him, and he even lets me
match us from time to time (here's one of those
times). Throw in the fact that he is the most
gentle, friendly, loving and Christ-like man that I know. Sounds like love to me! I cherish all the time we spend together,
especially serving the Lord together.
Uganda 2011 |
I have learned SO much this year, really. I learn or relearn something new about loving someone and dying to my own selfish desires literally every day. I've learned that life is messy, but so utterly wonderful. I've learned that marriage is hard, but incredibly satisfying. Most importantly, I've learned that God is faithful and He is ready to equip us with everything we need to love one another. Sometimes it is hard to love, so I ask God to love through me. Sometimes it is hard to be patient, so I ask God to give patience through me. Sometimes it is hard to be joyful, so I ask God to show joy through me. I know God's faithfulness, because I know what it is like to really mess up; but thankfully, our God is a God of forgiveness and restoration. And thankfully, Dawson chooses to forgive too. Through the highs and lows, I cannot wait to see where God leads us.
Happy Anniversary, Dawson. Thank you for a wonderful year!