5. Most importantly, focus on your heart more than your home.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
A Joyful Home.
5. Most importantly, focus on your heart more than your home.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Joy in Memorizing Scripture.
Out celebrating our 2 year anniversary! |

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Considering it ALL joy- my summer ramblings.
Monday, January 2, 2012
New Year's Resolution 1: Blog.
This is it, I haven’t hung it up yet because I’m not sure if it’s done just yet. I showed it to Dawson’s mom yesterday, and she really encouraged me by saying that she thought that a key to life was to have vision and goals in it. That’s a summary not a direct quote. But it made my day! I think it’s important for me to remember and for me to say, that when it comes to trying to do life in our own strength, we will ultimately fail. We need the Holy Spirit to empower us to live the lives Christ has called us to live.
Oh, and Happy New Year from me, Conner, and my double (nah, triple) chin.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
A page is turned in this life...
I've been working on a post this past week about the incredible adventures I've had serving the Lord this summer- I may want to warm you now, that post is going to be pretty long! However, I wanted to take a break from that today to thank someone who has truly been a joy to me these past 3 years and especially this last year. One year ago today, I married the most wonderful man, Dawson. Dawson is like the coolest person I know...I really mean that. You can see one reason why here. Plus, he lets me each sour patch kids
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Uganda 2011 |
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Daddy Day!
"A wise child brings joy to their father,
but a foolish child brings grief to their mother"
I have been so blessed with the wonderful gift of a great father! This year I was so thankful to also be given a great father-in-law and stepfather-in-law. I woke up this morning thinking about memories my dad and I have shared, recalling our first father-daughter dance when I was in girl scouts (mostly a disaster!), our trips to the cottage in Canada ( where we visited most summers, and where Dawson asked him his permission to marry me), countless camping trips, and Dawson and I's wedding. I haven't always been a "wise" child; but when he says he's proud of me, I can tell that I've brought him joy. He lives in Russia now (here) and I totally miss seeing him. Now, I cherish every time I get to talk to him or skype with him- it's crazy how we take for granted just being able to talk with our parents and family!
I just really wanted to thank all dads out there: especially the ones God has blessed me with. Thanks for being strong, caring, and a joy to me. And I can't help but give a shout out to God: the ultimate Father.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Something worth Catching
"Some things are taught, other things are
–Beth Moore
Working at an urgent care clinic for a couple years, I know what it happens when we hear the word contagious.
"How contagious?"
"Can I catch it just being near them?"
"How long it must I stay away?"
"Where's the Lysol?"
However, I wonder if we have ever considered there being something worth catching? I want, and what I'm trying to say is, I want something that others can't help but catch after they've been with me. I want to live a life so complete in the love of Christ…that I don't have to use words to explain.
A contagious joy is what I want.
Jesus says:
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
-John 15:11
So, if you want: Join me. For ramblings on what a person with contagious joy looks like, what the bible has to say about joy, the things that give me joy, and on my journey of letting the truths of Christ make my joy complete…and contagious.