Sunday, July 22, 2012

Considering it ALL joy- my summer ramblings.

Today, I’m so thankful for summer break and the few days of rest it has brought with it. I’m thankful for the ability to have my quiet time, work on my crafts, open my house to beautiful people, and to drink coffee with friends whenever I want to.  I’ve been afforded the opportunity to go on so many trips and make memories with so many special people.  This little wonderful window of time between semesters has been such a blessing.  This time, as I start off another crazy semester as a nursing student, I feel like I get to do it with a fresh perspective and renewed spirit.

The best thing about the break is that in the slowness and the quietness, I can feel and see God molding my heart and bringing me through sanctification so vividly. Honestly, 2011 was a rocky year, plagued with instability, heartbreak, and the sharp knife of unwelcomed change. I fought through the busyness, hoping that my ability to balance everything and succeed would bring me the desired approval I was longing for. I felt like even as I leaned in to God, even as I called on Him to save me from the mess, I was thrown another curveball, another thing to balance. 

James tells us that we are to count trials as pure joy because they produce a steadfastness of faith. Though it has taken me a while to process, I see growth in me that could only be attested to God’s work in the trials.  Seeing joy in the midst of trials seems like such a huge request sometimes, but the promise that God has control and He is shaping me allows me to rest in Him.  And the resting is the key, not to try harder, to be better, to look like you have it all figured out, it’s to rest in Christ, in his grace, and in the promise the his mercies are new every morning.

I have so much more to talk about, from my conquest of several pinterest crafts with Kelli to my thoughts on the shortening road that leads to graduation.

Shout out to those sweet friends of mine who got coffee, ate lunch, or just hung out with me this week- you stir my affections for Christ and make my life so special. 



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